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We recommend: Dallas Prop H for housing and neighborhood infrastructure

Proposition H in the 2024 Dallas bond program would allocate $26.4 million for housing and neighborhood infrastructure.
This proposition includes two line items: $24.4 million for housing infrastructure, and a separate $2 million for housing in Council District 3. But details are scant. Some printed communication from the city indicated that funds could be used to build homes. But staff told us separately that’s not the case and these funds will be used only for infrastructure such as streets and utilities.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Housing Survey, construction of “missing middle” housing units — those between single-family detached homes and large mid-rise apartments — have declined dramatically since the 1970s. Between 2010 and 2013, they represented less than 2% of total housing starts. Dallas must find ways to compete with suburbs for families and neighborhoods. This funding could help.
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We would like to have more clarity from the city here, but we support neighborhood infrastructure to attract lower income and “missing middle” development.
Check out the rest of our recommendations in the 2024 Dallas bond election here.
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